Unexcavated. Xlapak unexcavated. A lot of the site has not been fully excavated or restored. There is just too much archaeology and too little money to do it all, I guess. I mean, you can hardly take a step in the whole state without tripping over a piece of a ruin. Xlapak has some very pretty partially restored/ partially excavated areas. You can see the pile of rubble where I'm sitting. I don't know why I'm pointing, except I guess we thought it would be a cool action picture. We walked down another path and came to this section in a clearing and explored a little. Ginger took a self portrait while she waited for me to climb to the top of this building. It's higher than it looks and I'm not that comfortable with heights, so I feel it is a testament to my indomitable spirit that I made it to the top and close enough to the edge to get in a picture (plus I was still suffering the effects of the peanut butter/ Jugos California juice). The detail of the little columns was pretty.
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