While Ginger was walking around taking brilliant pictures, I explored inside all of the rooms that I could. It was really dark in most of them. And a little creepy because it was so dark. But I found one that had a lot of light from the open doorway and I could see the walls. I discovered, amongst the guano, what just might be the only instances of stone carvings inside one of these Puuc Maya A-frame rooms. I don't know how good the photography is, but if you look carefully, you should be able to make out the wiggly carvings. There were two: one on either side of the part of the wall that didn't slope. They were symetrically opposite each other. I wondered if they were carved there, once they were in the wall, or if they were older carvings that got used when whoever made the house put up the wall. I wonder about these things. None of the rooms in these "apartment" buildings have windows. They all just have the one door and they are all about the same size. Maybe 8 feet deep and about 15 to 20 feet wide.
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