So we had the donkeys in the barn and we tried to form a human shield to sort of funnel them into the trailer. They buyer, myself, and my cousin Lee on one side, my cousin Brian on the other side with the trailer gate, and Daddy in the middle trying to herd them. At one point we almost had one of them in the trailer, but Gilligan rushed forward and bit it on the butt. He was just trying to help. But I had to grab his collar and hang on and he tried to wriggle out, so they had the donkey half-way in and Gilligan twisted around and through my legs and I flipped forward, face into the donkey-poo dirt, and then the donkey escaped. I took Gilligan inside while they got the other one loaded, but then we had to try to get the first one. She'd had a head start and the pasture is big, so we all went running through the woods and the briars and yelling and trying our best to herd them back toward the barn. To no avail. The guy left with one and we'll have to try again next week.
So that's life on the farm.
I just thought I'd share that.
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