Saturday, March 3, 2007

One more thing about Sayil

I wanted to mention another thing about Sayil. Well the signs in Maya, Spanish, and English are cool. But also, there was a woman working there who was very cool too. Not cool like Bob Marley cool, but cool like, I don't know, maybe those few people you know who sort of do what they like and are nice and like to plant flowers in coffee cans cool. The flowers and plants all over the place were her doin's. I asked. Anyway, I was really feeling bad by the time we were ready to leave this site and I told her about it, so she made me a coke wiht LOTS of lime juice squeezed in it and said that's what they always used for stomach problems (I told her about the diarrhea). Anyway, the flowers in cans reminded me SOOOO much of my Granny. It was really sweet. I don't honestly remember Granny planting things in cans around the yard, but for some reason it made me think of her. And my mother. She DOES plant things in any container she can find and her yard always looks wonderful.

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