Ah haaaaaaa!
Guess what I just found in my little pantry?
After checking with the FDA, http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2007/NEW01563.html
I am forced to re-think my scapegoating of Jugos California in Mérida.
Yes, they are possibly criminally negligent in their water hygiene practices, but my diarrhea could just as easily have come from the equally dangerous US food industry. I did eat some of it before I left. Now I'm scared to eat any more, but, not unlike Homer Simpson and the sandwich, I can almost hear it calling my name, lovingly. What's a hungry warrior-princess to do?
They say I can throw it away and send in the lid with the damning 2111 stock number prefix and all my troubles will be over because they'll refund my money. But a fat lot of good that does me right now, when I totally want a PBJ.
I'll have to fall back on an Eddie Monsoon quote here, "Don't you think a soupcon of guilt makes carte blanche depravity taste that much sweeter?"
I would bet almost anything that this jar of peanut butter is the best-tasting peanut butter in the WHOLE world, and I can't eat it...
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