I might have mentioned that the diarrhea hit me the morning we got to Uxmal. I made it through the ruins there without further incident, and then carefully explored Kabah. But I was so ready to find a hotel. So we drove to Ticul, where we hoped to find a good place to stay where we could park the car safely. For all of you who have never been to Mexico, the idea of a whole country full of NO Motel 6's might be unthinkable, but believe me, it's true. As if to compensate for this lack, Mexico is, instead, full of magical places that you almost have to stumble across. One such place is the Hotel Posada JardÃn. We did see it mentioned in a brochure, but weren't looking for it and were actually trying to find our way out of Ticul and back to the main road to try one of the big hotels near Uxmal, when I spotted the sign for the HPJ. We investigated and found a small paradise and we recommend it wholeheartedly to anybody who ever finds herself in Ticul. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
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