I have been such a slacker! I haven't even finished posting about my Egypt trip this summer and I'm so far behind with this blog that I don't know if I can catch up. If I could just catch the Swine Flu I would have time to get some shit done. Anyway, I want to post pictures from the big market in Cairo. It has been in operation for something like a thousand years maybe? It is not all that fun to go by yourself because the sellers are very aggressive, but I did have a couple of nice experiences. One morning a coffee-shop owner invited me to breakfast with him and another guy that worked there -like Egyptians do and it's wonderful! And once I bought a pair of shoes and the guy gave me a Pepsi and discussed my love life with all kinds of good advice :) Hahahhaa!!!
So here are pictures from the famous Khan el Khalili...
Ah, I shold say, it was about an hour's walk from my hotel to the market. And it was about 103 - 105 degrees every day. But I'm a trooper, I swear.
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