I was a Twy'lek Jedi, once again. And let me bitch for a minute about that costume. I love it, but every time I wear it I swear I'll never wear it again and then I forget because it looks so cool and do it again. I don't like it because of the ear thing. Those are little girl panty-hose, died green, and stuffed with cotton. So I have the waist band around my head and over my ears and it's tight and after some time, it really hurts my ears. Not to mention the hearing impairment it causes- and you all know my hearing is not that great at the best of times :)
Plus, I can't afford (or I just refuse to spend the money on) a light saber that makes noise, so I have to make the light saber noises myself. AND it is not illuminated. So it's kinda lame that way.
But, having said that, it is a kick-ass costume. I'm just not sure that I'll wear it again.
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