I can't remember the exact day, but one day last month I was sitting at my desk in my office in the morning, talking to my mother on the computer, when the floor started to slide back and forth a bit. The building was shaking and I thought it was a big truck going by outside, but there aren't any roads or big trucks. So I realized it was an earthquake and probably a big one. When I heard something crash and break in the hallway I told my mother I had to go because there was an earthquake. I ran outside. The motion had stopped and there weren't any noticeable aftershocks.
I later found out that it had been over 6 points on the Richter scale and originated in Veracruz.Scary, that, since there is a nuclear power plant in Veracruz.
Anyway, when I got home, I documented the movement with this picture. You can see the little camels and bottles overturned and you can also see the clean spots where the coins had been lying until they got sloshed aside in the quake.
Thank goodness for my slovenly dread of dusting or I'd have very little evidence of this earthquake.
For the record, I've felt three earthquakes since I've been here, but there have probably been more than that.
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