I didn't get a picture, but Hugo pooed in the bedroom floor tonight. I saw him do it so maybe it was my fault. I was reading for Methods class and watched him wee wee on his wee wee pad in the bedroom, then he started sniffing around it and by the time he'd assumed the squat position and I realized what was happening, it was too late. But it was ok. I took him right outside and it was solid so easy to clean.
He's such a sweet puppy.
Anyway, we came back in and I was talking to him about what I was doing this time last year. And I thought, "why am I not blogging evey day so I'll have a record of it?"
So I talked to Hugo some more, grabbed my glass of wine and opened the computer.
Hugo is pulling at my pyjama legs right now but if I ignore him long enough he gives up.
Anyway, today was all right I guess.
Only slightly depressing.
I still feel scared that I won't be able to finish all my papers on time and I'll flunk out. So today I was even thinking about looking for a job as a manager (or even just as a worker) at Dominoes in Jasper. The stress I feel has been making my mouth get ulcers. And I don't even feel like talking to Sayed. Even though he ALWAYS makes me feel better.
I know I'm not stupider than the other cretins in my program. I just don't know if I can produce work as fast as I will need to here.
Anyway, I spent all day today working on a paper on that Tanagra figurine for Hellenistic (I found some Cupids with the same face veil so that is very promising. Or maybe they are Eros. Anyway, I didn't make much actual writing headway, but finding the cupids felt like a breakthrough.
And I didn't do any work on the Theban Tomb paper and that should be my priority. I have to meet with Dr. Robins tomorrow and tell her I didn't get anywhere over this past week.
Well, I did make a chronological powerpoint, but I still don't have all the images I need and now I'm confused about finding them.
I chose a painting to talk about for Methods - a watercolor and pencil of the Hypostyle Hall at the Temple of Isis at Philae. I love that temple and I hate/love Orientalizing art. It made me think maybe I should choose Orientalizing for my second subject instead of Medieval. Except I don't even know when Orientalizing is. I think it's like 19th century. Or maybe a little later.
I'm illustrating this with a painting by the Orientalist Frederick Bridgman from Alabama. And the watercolor by him that I want to present for Methods next week. And a picture of a Tanagra type figurine (not ours from the museum, but one very like it in Germany) and a cute-ass picture of Hugo. Because he's great.
But it all really makes me wonder, what WAS I doing one year ago today?
Today, is Hugo's 10 week birthday. And at least I have it recorded.
Oh, I forgot the part about the parade and the women in pink walking for cancer awareness. Hugo was scared of the parade and noise and then we joined the walkers and he kinda liked it. A little. They loved him - well, who doesn't?