My faithful (more or less) old dog Sunny is dying. Ok, I guess we all are, but she's on her last legs. She managed to get a kidney infection in October and lost her vision within a month. She's a trooper, though. She keeps going and seems content, mostly. She bumps into things and falls down and just gets right back up. A lesson to us all. She falls off the deck sometimes and sometimes she can't figure out how to get to the leaves outside to "use it," but she still likes to eat. I've been calling doggie heaven Katmandu: where the cats are slow and plentiful.
Sunny always loved cats. Or maybe she really hates them. Perhaps I should just say that cats hold a stong emotional attraction for her and she released many of their terrestrial souls to Katmandu before her vision failed.
She still dreams, though. I busted her dreaming the day before yesterday in her dog bed. Her little foot was tapping and I hope she was the chaser and not the chasee. So she dreams, she eats, she uses the bathroom. She finds her way around. It just hurts to see her staring with her pretty eyes open, not seeing me...or the dog door...or the big pine tree she's about to walk into...
I've been journaling her journey for a few weeks now. I might upload it all. Some would call it morbid. But I want to be able to remember the good things with clarity. She has done so much for me.
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