This might be kinda disgusting for those of you freaks who hate nature, but I proudly share my dwelling with any of my local fauna willing to brave the primitive conditions of my camper. My motto: I have spiders because I need spiders. Well, that's one of my mottos anyway. So, I have a mouse these days. Maybe more than one, I don't know. I caught a glimpse of one hurling itself across the floor a few weeks ago, and I clean up its "presents" to me regularly. But I've noticed that it seems to really dig my soap. This was a bar of baby chicken-shaped pink holiday soap from Avon. With use, it's lost some of it's finer detailing, but the basic shape is still there. Anyway, it looks like a mouse tried to pry it through the bars of my soap holder in the first picture. The second picture (a different day) is of the chick's rear, where, the discerning eye may discern the tell-tale teeth marks in the soap. I hope the mouse doesn't get sick from eating my soap. If there's one thing worse than a mouse in my house, it's a sick mouse in my house.
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