I miss Gilligan!!!!
He has been dead for about 2 years now. Well, let me think. He died in October of 2008. So that makes it 2 years and 4 months that I have somehow survived without my Biggie.
In the meantime, I'm just going through the motions of living an exciting life.
I am gonna try to post more regularly now.
I know, I know, I say that all the time. But really, I'm getting tired of FaceBook and I like my blog a lot better. I can say what I want easier cause I figure nobody is really gonna read this :)
Anyway, I am now living in Mexico. In Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.
I teach English at the UNPA - Universidad del Papaloapan.
I live in a castle.
I work with very fun people.
Jenni-Cita. Maggie-Gaga. And Granpa-Joe.
A man was selling these cool little dogs on the sidewalk on the way home from work a couple of days ago. I bought 2 for 10 pesos each. My thought was that I would give them to people as presnuts. But most likely I will keep them because they are super-cute.
So I took them home and arranged their leashes in the hands of the dolls with masks.
And I dreamed about Gilligan.
I was scratching his back and that spot just above his tail that he really liked me to scratch. It was so nice. And now I'm just pissed that he's gone.
Probably my life wouldn't be all roses and sunshine if Gilligan were still with me - but I like to think it would be.
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