These are from different places over the summer. My friend Lindsey met me in Cairo and stayed with me there while we both worked at the museum. She has been to Egypt several times, but has always lived a bit higher on the hog than I have. Because of this, I was able to show her a few things that rich tourists usually don't see. Mostly things you wouldn't want to see, heh heh, but here are a couple of pictures from Al Azhar Park. It was Sayed's first visit to the park too and everybody LOVED it!
I am also including a picture of me, Sayed, and Barkat from a hooker bar in Cairo that Barakat insisted on going to. He wanted to drink beer and smoke sheesha and see women. So we went to this hole in the wall that I am SURE had never seen a female tourist before. I was surprised at how the prostitutes fawned over Sayed :)
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