These scenes are from one of the little rooms upstairs at the temple and narrate the mummification and resurrection of Osiris in an endearing little combination of bestiality and necrophilia :)
See, the story goes...
Osiris and Isis and Seth and Nepthys are all siblings, but Osiris is the king of the gods. Seth is a total bad-ass and kills Osiris so that he can be king of the gods. But, Osiris's wife (their sister) Isis is an even BIGGER bad-ass and takes all Osiris's dismembered parts and wraps them back up together again (the first mummy) and then she takes the form of a kite (like a falcon) and does a bird lap-dance for the dead Osiris and is able to get him to impregnate her with his own spirit so he gets born again as his son/himself Horus.
This cycle gets re-told in a different way with Nut, who, as the sky, is impregnated with the sun, gestates it throughout the night and gives birth to it again every morning. The sun is Osiris at night and Horus in the day.
It gets complicated.
But never boring.
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