Gilligan was a very sweet dog. He was very possessive of his territory, and he only ever really bit two people - you know who you are. But he loved me and followed me around like a puppy. Here he is on his therapeutic bed eating breakfast in bed. And below, he is napping in one of his favorite spots on the couch.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The best dog in the world named Gilligan
Gilligan was a very sweet dog. He was very possessive of his territory, and he only ever really bit two people - you know who you are. But he loved me and followed me around like a puppy. Here he is on his therapeutic bed eating breakfast in bed. And below, he is napping in one of his favorite spots on the couch.
Dog tales,
Life's Landmarks,
Something Good
Gilligan 1 April 2000- 29 October 2008
I had to have Gilligan put to sleep today because he had developed a cancerous and very large tumor on his bladder that made it extremely difficult for him to use the bathroom. His doctor said he was in pain and it would get much worse very quickly. I couldn't even be there with him. But I'm saying this is a happy day because I got to have over 8 years of good times with the sweetest dog in the world. I'll miss him a lot. He was a really great dog.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Egyptology Halloween Party
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Inspired by Nefer-Jenny...
I decided to wear makeup to Betsy's birthday party. I felt a little bit like I was in drag, as it's been so long. I don't know that I'll do that (wear makeup) again anytime soon, but it was kinda fun. The band (The Modern Society) was super loud and very good, to my mild surprise. And Betsy really does know them, it's not a figment of her demented imagination! So we all posed for group pictures at the end of the set and I tried to get in the middle, pyramid-style, but my knee is not yet back to normal functioning. Oh well. C'est la knee.
Betsy's first Birthday this year!
Betsy turns/turned 27 sometime around now, but she had a party this weekend. I discovered that I've been a vegetarian as long as she has been alive. Somehow that made the band look younger and the music sound louder. But it was a rock and roll kind of night.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Daddy recenty got some chickens and fixed them a nice veranda to live in. They lay eggs like nobody's business. He has 15 hens and one rooster named Big Red. He would name the hens too, but they all look alike. They have different personalities, some are braver than others, but it is hard to tell them apart. He's gonna build a large enclosure that he calls the "Chicken Dome" in front of the chicken veranda, and possibly install a goat moat to guard them -if needed.
He calls them chick-ni-busses while he feeds them. He said that's what Papa Elbert used to call them. Nobody knows why.
In a cunning move a few weeks ago, Gilligan dashed in and grabbed Big Red along with one hen and dragged them to the house, where Daddy took them away from him. Big Red lost most of his tail feathers in that near death experience. As you can see, he has not yet re-grown them.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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