Here is a series of the snake. The discerning viewer might discern that the lump o'lunch is gradually moving away from the snake's face and toward its cloaca (that's fancy-pants herp-speak for butt-hole). The even more discerning viewer might discern what I thought to be a curious phenomenon: it appears that the snake has another layer of eyelids that have closed over its eyes in the first few pictures. When I walked up to it, it's eyes looked to be covered in a layer of film and almost reddish. But as the lump (is it called a bolus? that's what you call a lump of food in a human mouth) o'lunch moved along the digestive pathway, the eyes got back to normal.
I don't know what kind of snake it is, but since it's in a tree and obviously NOT a cotton-mouth, it cannot be venomous, so I felt safe taking pictures.
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