Obligatory in any history-lover's trip to Chicago is a stop at the Field Museum. Being history-lovers, we were obliged to go. Here are a few pictures from the museum and environs. Since we obviously aren't Chicago-ans, we thought that the quintessential Chicago consists of eating a street hotdog on the steps of the museum. Fortunately, they offer veggie not-dogs. Ginger and I LOVED the Africa exhibit. (For any readers familiar with Edward Said, the museum did a pretty good job of NOT "orientalizing" or re-colonizing the African continent in this exhibit, at least as far as I can tell, but I am an overprivileged honky so I might overlook something - my apologies if so). Ginger is letting the Olmec head replica wear her Auburn cap (Daddy mis-heard us and thought that we were talking about an "Old Man's head"). And I am posed with some cool-ass totem poles. The museum had quite a collection of totem poles and they were gorgeous and stern and kinda spooky.
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