I finally got a picture of one of my yard-rabbits. I had to take it through the window and it's not so great. But maybe I'll get a better picture soon.
Again I must opine on the dastardly petunia-scarfing rabbits around here. I went out to water my flowers this afternoon, only to find MORE rabbit damage. I KNOW it's the rabbits. I see them lurking. I can almost feel their beady-eyed petunia-lust. The first photo is of a section of flowers that escaped the slaughter unscathed. Then come the vanquished. Note the rabbit-shaped teeth marks in the wilting leaves. Imagine the razor sharp incisors that produced the clear slice marks on the truncated stems. They didn't even leave the monkey grass alone! Gilligan is seriously slacking in his varmint-scaring duties. I should give him a treat :)
There's a part of Chicago that is sort of on the water. Maybe it's called the riverwalk, I can't remember, but it has a big ferris wheel ride that lets you see pretty far. Ginger and I had to ride it and I was forced to try to overcome my fear of heights, but I didn't do a good job and I am terrified in this picture. It had started to rain and lightening and the little airborne cannister we were in rocked on its own in the wind. The stuff of nightmares for me.
One part of Chicago (well, we liked it all, really) that we all enjoyed was Chinatown. We walked there from our hotel and back and it was totally worth the hike. We ate donuts and just gawked, as tourists do, at all the pretty buildings and decorations.
Obligatory in any history-lover's trip to Chicago is a stop at the Field Museum. Being history-lovers, we were obliged to go. Here are a few pictures from the museum and environs. Since we obviously aren't Chicago-ans, we thought that the quintessential Chicago consists of eating a street hotdog on the steps of the museum. Fortunately, they offer veggie not-dogs. Ginger and I LOVED the Africa exhibit. (For any readers familiar with Edward Said, the museum did a pretty good job of NOT "orientalizing" or re-colonizing the African continent in this exhibit, at least as far as I can tell, but I am an overprivileged honky so I might overlook something - my apologies if so). Ginger is letting the Olmec head replica wear her Auburn cap (Daddy mis-heard us and thought that we were talking about an "Old Man's head"). And I am posed with some cool-ass totem poles. The museum had quite a collection of totem poles and they were gorgeous and stern and kinda spooky.
In lieu of Key West commentary, allow me to chaperone you through our tour of Chicago in May 2005. It was a birthday gift for our Daddy (Pick) for his 69th birthday. We got tickets to a Cubs game and took him to Wrigley Field. While we were at it, we also dragged him on a walking tour of most of the Windy City. And, of course, our first, middle, and last stop was to get real Chicago-style deep dish pizza pie.
Well, Ginger has a friend who is getting married in Key West at the end of June and I'm not gonna go. Waaaaaa! I just don't have the money and it sucks so bad to be poor, but, there ya go. Gilligan has to go to the vet at the beginning of July and I can't do both. So I decided to just do a look back at some of my recent vacations with Ginger in my upcoming blog series: Since I can't go to the Keys...
Note closely the first photo. When I left to visit my mother this weekend, there was a pretty little row of pink petunias that disappeared in my absence. A closer investigation (note photo #2) reveals the cause, if not the culprit. Something ate them. And I have a strong hunch that that something was a rabbit. Perhaps one of the FOUR rabbits I saw in my yard last week? Now that I'm back, Gilligan will once again take up residence at home and, hopefully, this will solve the problem.
I am a warrior-princess torn between the desire to work toward global domination and the desire to forget it all on a nice beach. I think that just about sums it up.
And I'm a vegetarian.