I listed this under moral dilemmas because I figure that some of my friends who see this are probably fans of US pottery and I don't really want to have to be the one to tell them that they have been maliciously duped. I have tried to avoid this moment for some time now, but I just can't take it any more!
Ok, so the bottom picture here is of your typical American crap-o-la pottery. If you go to any art show you will be assaulted by hundreds of little booths full of identically hideous pottery for sale at truly idiotically high prices, flogged by folksy-arty types who toss around words like 'raku' and 'character'. The spectacle is so upsetting to me that I've almost had to avoid art shows to get away from it.
I want to know WHY we in the US can't seem to produce pottery that comes anywhere near the beauty and elegance of other countries? Are we all just tone-deaf of the eyes? Come on people, this stuff is just ugly.
In contrast, note the grace and beauty of the specimens I've posted here (from the top down) from Mexico, Mexico, Guatemala, and Italy. Centuries of tradition, craftspersonship, artistry, love, and beauty goes into these pieces. And then we get to America's offering.