So with all the skipping and jumping for joy after the first ride at the fair, I didn't see the power cords on the ground and I tripped over them. I spent the rest of the night in the Emergency Room downtown, where they treat people without insurance. Too many people don't have insurance and it's a huge act of cruelty and down-right mean-ness. But because of all the emergencies, I never got seen last night and I had to go back to a doc-in-a-box today.
I should have had stitches, but it will heal and it'll leave a fantastic scar on my knee. I did get to experience having my pants leg cut away by dudes with flashlights. (At least I think they had flashlights- it's rapidly becoming a blur).
And we first went to a private clinic but they were closed and the staff was leaving. One of the doctors there sat down on the sidewalk with me and examined the gaping hole in my knee by the headlights of Lindsay's rental car and told me that I needed stitches. He was nice about it while not helping me.
For the horrible state of healthcare in this country, I blame the patriarchy.