Since we each lost our required 10 pounds, Charlotte and I felt it would be prudent to eat beignets for breakfast. Here they are, along with Mommy and Charlotte. The ones at this place "Pannini Pete's" in Fairhope, are not (for me) as good as the ones from "Cafe Du Monde" in New Orleans. They are egg-ier. But it is hard to go wrong with deep-fried bread coated in powedered sugar.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Beignets for breakfast
Since we each lost our required 10 pounds, Charlotte and I felt it would be prudent to eat beignets for breakfast. Here they are, along with Mommy and Charlotte. The ones at this place "Pannini Pete's" in Fairhope, are not (for me) as good as the ones from "Cafe Du Monde" in New Orleans. They are egg-ier. But it is hard to go wrong with deep-fried bread coated in powedered sugar.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Meet Nibsy
Meet Sam-I-Am
This is my mother's dog Sam. I visited over the past weekend. Sam managed to get filthy. Way to go, Sam!
(dys)Functional Family Info,
Dog tales,
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Winter Wonderland 2008
I almost put 2003. I must be in a time warp.
But isn't the snow pretty? See, I really needed to post this one last picture of the snow instead of tweaking my thesis to accomodate the suggestions of my comittee. It's that kind of dedication that made it possible for me to take all of 6 years just to get an MA.
Ninja flowers in snow
Snow Turtle
Snow turtle on the dog palace basically says it all for me. The discerning viewer will be able to discern from Turtle's haughty expression the following thoughts:
"Why did Jenny join that stupid weight loss team and stupidly pledge to stupidly lose 10 pounds? One understands the financial motivation - $1000 is big money - but, come on, this is Jenny. Weight Warrior my ass! What was she thinking? Whatever it was, we can be sure that right now, she's thinking 'I'm HUUUNNNNNNNGRYYYYY!!!!!' and she has a few more days of this torture."
Or something to that effect.
Arty-Farty Nonsense,
Daily Particulars,
Nature Walks
Monday, March 3, 2008
K9 Freestyle - Take 1
A friend of mine emailed me a youtube video of a woman and her dog dancing in some kind of competition. Apparently this is all the rage and it's called Canine Freestyle, or, in the demotic, Doggie Dancing. Gilligan and I got very excited about this. Here is our first attempt. We're really just trying to find each others' strengths at this point. I have found that Gilligan is very good at remaining calm and staying still when I do the leg kicks. Gilligan, I believe, appreciates my delicate sense of rhythm.
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